Creating Perfect Christmas Windows - Not Many Sleeps To Go!

A new pair of curtains add sparkle to any window, especially at Christmas time
Let Grange Help Spruce Up Those Christmas Windows...
Let's face it, Summer's almost over and there's not many sleeps to go to the Big Day! Have a look around your home, are you in need of new curtains and/or roman blinds? Or maybe some matching cushions to complement that new sofa? Adding a full length curtain to the front door can help keep in the warmth and give a luxurious feel to the hall. Grange believe that just a simple window makeover or small soft furnishing enhancements can make all the difference to the look and feel of your home as you welcome guests over the festive period.
Grange Curtains and Blinds Love Christmas...
From the inital planning, to the food and gift shopping, the buying of the tree and dusting down the baubles to decking the halls with boughs of holly, fa la la la la, la la la la it's a magical time of year.
And for most of us, the anticipation and excitement just grows and grows, as we think of spending quality time with family and friends, enjoying scrumptious food and sipping our favourite tipple (or two) by the fire. It's important to us that our homes are warm, welcoming and comfortable so our guests can truly relax.
Plan Ahead For Your Christmas Decor...
From simple neutrals to over the top colour and glitz; Grange Curtains and Blinds can help you turn your home into something special. Don't wait till mid December, do it now, as some very clever bloke once said, "failure to prepare is preparing to fail" Grange want you to succeed: Happy Guests = A Happy Christmas.
Keep it Simple - Keep it Classy, Keep it with Grange Curtains and Blinds...
Karen is just a call away to help you create new beautifu windows; from drop dead gorgeous curtains and romans blinds to slinky soft furnishings and luxury throws. Give Karen a call today on 07973 736890
'Tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la, la la la la...'
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